Monday, May 16, 2011

I was injured in my employer's parking lot as I was leaving work. Is this injury covered by workers' comp?

Most likely, yes. Typically, if you're injured in your employer's parking lot, whether you're coming to or leaving work, the injury is compensable under Georgia workers' comp. The language used to determine whether the injury is covered by workers' comp is "reasonable ingress/egress." That is, so long as the employee was was injured during a "reasonable" period of time while coming to or leaving work, it should be covered. The word "reasonable" obviously leaves some room for interpretation, so this is an issue that often gets disputed by employers. Another reason why an employer may controvert such an injury is if the parking lot itself is not under the control or maintenance of of employer. However, as stated above, this kind of injury is almost always compensable, so if your employer tries to deny benefits after you've been injured in their parking lot, you should immediately consult with an attorney to explore your options on how best to proceed.


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